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  • Apr28Sun

    Your Pool & Home Insurance

    April 28, 2024

    With spring upon us and summer just around the corner, it’s time to prepare your swimming pool for some fun in the sun with family and friends. But getting your pool ready involves more than just removing the cover and filling it with water.

    Responsible pool owners prioritize safety. Taking precautions now can help prevent serious injuries and potential claims later on. Before you break out the sunscreen, beach towels, and barbecue, make sure your pool is safe to open by following these essential tips.

     Pool Preparation

    • Clear the Area: Before removing the cover, clean off any leaves and debris around the pool. Drain as much water from the cover as possible.
    • Adjust Water Levels: Refill the pool to its normal water level if it has dropped over the winter.
    • Clean the Water: Use a net or vacuum to remove any remaining debris from the pool water.
    • Reconnect Equipment: Reattach the filter, pump, heater, and any other equipment. Check that your pump and filtration system are functioning correctly.
    • Remove Antifreeze: If you used pool antifreeze during winter, be sure to discharge it.
    • Test Water Chemistry: After running the circulation system for several hours, test the pH level and add any necessary chemicals to adjust it.
    • Thorough Cleaning: Brush and vacuum the pool to remove any dirt and debris, paying special attention to areas near steps, ladders, and equipment.
    • Run the Circulation System: Let the system run overnight.
    • Clear Water: Wait for the water to clear, which may take several days, and remember to clean the filter daily during this time.


    Safety Checklist

    • Inspect Ladders and Handrails: Ensure they are secure. If you have a diving board, check its condition. Keep in mind that diving boards can increase injury risks for both divers and swimmers.
    • Safety Equipment: Have life rings, floats, and a reaching pole readily available in case of emergencies.
    • First Aid Kit: Keep a fully stocked first aid kit near the pool.
    • Secure the Pool Area: Check the fence and gate latch to prevent unauthorized access. The fence should be at least 6 feet high (consult local bylaws). Remember, you may be held liable if an uninvited guest, especially a child, is injured.
    • Supervise Swimmers: Never allow solo swimming, especially for children.
    • Monitor Alcohol Use: Be cautious with alcohol at pool parties, as it can impair balance and swimming ability.
    • Enforce Safety Rules: Be prepared to uphold your safety rules and restrict access to anyone behaving unsafely. You are responsible for incidents that occur on your property.


    Review Your Home Insurance

    • Inform Your Insurer: Ensure your home insurance provider knows about your swimming pool.
    • Coverage Needs: The pool may increase the value of your property, so review your coverage limits.
    • Liability Coverage: Aim for a minimum liability coverage of $2 million or more. Consider an umbrella policy for added protection, especially if your pool includes a diving board or slide.


    By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a safe and fun summer by the pool!


L.D. Dermody Insurance Brokers (1982) Inc.