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  • In general, water damage from a burst pipe inside your home will be covered by a standard homeowners' insurance policy. But, and this is a big but, during the winter (normal heating season) there are certain steps that you need to take in order to maintain the coverage.   During this time if you leave the house for more than 96...
  • Water damage continues to be the highest source of claims cost to home insurers in Ontario.  The more everyone can do to prevent water damage the better. No one wants to deal with a messy water damage claim, and fewer claims means lower home insurance cost for everyone.  Please use the following Spring Checklist as a start towards...
  • Stop Distracted Driving

    March 27, 2015
    Distracted driving has become a very serious issue.   In the U.S. federal research indicates that about 11 percent of all highway deaths are the result of distracted driving.   For teenagers the statistics are even more startling as 6 out of 10 accidents are the result of driver distraction.  In Ontario distracted...
  • Finally!!  The long cold winter weather is behind us and spring break is here! Here are a few tips to ensure a safe vacation for those crossing the border. Whether you're in a rental car or driving your own vehicle, there are measures you can take to ensure the trip is safe and enjoyable.

    Don’t forget that  all passengers in your...
  • Ice Damming

    February 27, 2015
    You can help prevent serious damage to both the roof and inside of your home by minimizing the likelihood that an ice dam will develop, and by removing one as soon as you spot it. Ice dams can form when water from melting snow re-freezes at the edge of your roofline. Without roof snow removal, an ice dam may grow large enough to prevent water...
  • Winter Driving

    December 14, 2014
    At L.D. Dermody Insurance Brokers we want to make sure that everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday season.  We have accumulated a number of safety tips related to winter driving.   Some advance preparation and common sense can go a long way towards helping prevent a costly disaster.
    Prepare your vehicle for the winter...
  • Home Insurance and Winter

    December 5, 2014
    As winter is on our door steps it’s a good time to discuss your home insurance.  During the winter we see some of the worst claims occur as the results of flooding, freezing pipes and slip and falls just to name a few.  Fortunately many of them can be prevented with a little maintenance.
    Ice dams

    An ice dam is a wall of...
  • Buying a home is often the purchase of a lifetime. To avoid unpleasant surprises, Chubb has put together a checklist to help your customers ask the right questions before starting a new life in a new home. 
    1. Is the basement dry? 
    Check the basement area for dryness. Stains on walls are one indicator, but the existence of a sump pump is...
  • Check Your Roof

    September 15, 2014
    With fall here, wind, rain, hail, and winter storms are ahead its time to  inspect your roof for damage and undertake any necessary repairs.
    • Trim trees and remove dead branches so they do not damage your home or injure someone if they fall.
    • Check for damage to your roof, and clean gutters and downspouts to keep debris from accumulating....
  • This article is courtesy of the Insurance Bureau of Canada. It’s important to create a firebreak around your cottage – an area that won't fuel a fire. Your basic protection is to keep the grass cut and raked. But there is much more you can do to create primary and secondary firebreaks. A primary break is a clearing of all ground within five metres of your buildings. Space trees so the tops are at least five metres apart. Saw off branches less than three metres above ground level. Prune branches so they're at least three metres away from a chimney or stovepipe.

L.D. Dermody Insurance Brokers (1982) Inc.